Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mr. Officer

Flashing lights in the rearview window
Here we go again
Whoop whoop, the sound of the police 
10 seconds later it’s like I'm pleading for my life
Hand on his gun as I roll down my window
Heart beating of fear
Is my end near?
The plead for my life starts here

He questions me as if I am not a citizen of this country
Are you a felon?
Is your car stolen?
Is there a warrant for your arrest?
Do you have any weapons on you?
Don't move sit still. You might be next

Deep breath and I sigh, finally I have a chance to reply
I'm doing nothing wrong - I'm shaking as I testify
Filled with anger, but one wrong move and I will be in heaven listening to my mother cry

I show my Cal Berkeley ID, and soon he lets me be.
No ticket, no warning- it's like he pulled me over just for fun
Another day being a brother navigating the code of the street
I am an intellectual person of color, yet that’s something he did not see.

If I had a chance today, this is what I would say

Mr. officer
You are asking me this before you even justified the reason for why you pulled me over.
But why did you pull me over?
Is it because I am a person of color?
Is it because I have the mark of a slave?
Am I a thug driving around at 2:30 in the morning in my 1992 car that I could barely afford?
I bet you didn't know I was coming home from work, yes, a young brother making a honest dollar.
A honor student, an athlete, at the worlds best public university.

Be careful the next time you racially profile me
My intellect and poise is more powerful than your badge and gun
I know you want me to be another statistic, another dead black son
I've dealt with racism my whole life, as much as you want, your intimidation won't make me one

Thankfully I was calm on that dark Berkeley night
I can still see my mom, but I still walk with fright
So I have a question to ask to society
Is it really my Berkeley police?
I pay my taxes
Yet they've never protected me

Only contributed to my anxiety.

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